Minneapolis Corgis Logo

Welcome to Minneapolis Corgis, your dedicated source for the most affectionate companions in the Twin Cities. Nestled in the heart of Minneapolis, our home is a haven for two cherished Corgis, Clementine and Peaches, whose well-being and happiness are at the core of everything we do.

At Minneapolis Corgis, we believe in treating every dog like a member of our family. Clementine and Peaches live with us in our home, not in a distant kennel. They roam freely, basking in the Minnesota sun and playing in the spacious, safe confines of our yard. Their days are filled with love, play, and the kind of personal attention that only a true home environment can offer.

Clementine, our gentle and wise male Corgi, has a golden coat that shines in the sun and eyes full of wisdom. Peaches, his playful counterpart, sports a slightly more mischievous demeanor with her deep, expressive eyes and a sable coat. Together, they fill our home with joy and a bit of cheeky fun.

The joy in our home doubled when Clementine and Peaches welcomed their son, Apples. Born under our attentive care, Apples inherited his father’s gentle nature and his mother’s spirited zest for life. Witnessing his first steps and his burgeoning curiosity about the world around him was a moment of pure delight for us.

Our commitment to their well-being is reflected in our rigorous approach to their health and happiness. Clementine and Peaches enjoy regular check-ups and a diet formulated to meet their specific nutritional needs, ensuring they are not just surviving but thriving. We embrace preventative care, ensuring they receive all necessary vaccinations and health assessments.

By choosing Minneapolis Corgis, you are not just selecting a pet; you are welcoming a new member into your family. Our puppies, like Apples, grow up in a nurturing environment, surrounded by love and care. We invite you to visit us and see firsthand the affection and commitment we extend to all our dogs. It's not just about finding a new home for our puppies; it's about extending the family.

Because here, love is a four-legged word. Every wagging tail and bright-eyed look from Clementine, Peaches, and Apples reinforces the bond we share. They are not just our pets; they are our family, our joy, and our life’s work.

We are Minneapolis Corgis - Where every day is brighter with the love of a Corgi.

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